What is a self-touch routine? A self-touch routine is basically any kind practice, or time spent, intentionally touching oneself. It can serve different purposes and the actual content varies depending on the person and the need.
Browsing CategoryMasturbation & Self-Pleasuring Guidance on mindful masturbation principles, masturbation coaching advice and decreasing dependence on porn
Guidance on mindful masturbation principles, masturbation coaching advice and decreasing dependence on porn
Breast massage in mindful masturbation
Give your breasts some love Regardless of your gender and the size or shape of your breasts and nipples, they can be a deeply pleasurable area of the body. If you’re leaving your breasts and nipples out of your intimate…
Mutual Masturbation: your essential guide
Masturbation is a solo experience for many people, but mutual masturbation can be also be an amazing experience and it has a lot of benefits!
Masturbation Positions
Make masturbation more exciting Witnessing people masturbating has taught me a lot. One thing I’ve noticed is that most people have a very boring and static masturbation position that they adopt. This limits their engagement with their actual body: they…
Anal Toys in Self-Pleasure
What’s so great about anal pleasure? Believe it or not, a lot of people are fascinated by their own (and other people’s) buttholes. It’s an area of the body that unites us all, we all have an anus. It’s also…
Tantric Masturbation: A Beginners Guide
The main difference between Tantric masturbation and ‘regular’ masturbation is the lack of a ‘goal’. Tantric masturbation can be a great way to increase body and sexual confidence through the judgement-free, goal-free, loving touch and connection with yourself.
Anal Self-Pleasuring for Guys
What is anal massage? Anal massage involves touching, massaging, exploring and enjoying the area of your anus (your arsehole). It can include only external touch, or can also involve internal prostate massage (more about that in a bit). A good…
A Guide To Lube…
What’s the best lube or lubrication to use for intimate massage and sex? This is a question that comes up a lot in my couples coaching sessions and couples workshops. Sensual intimate massage is lots more fun if you use…
Masturbation Coaching…
What it’s like to work with a masturbation coach… Is your masturbation routine boring, habitual and unsatisfying? You’ve probably never been more acutely aware of this than you are right now. Many of us are in lockdown, isolated, working from…
Top-To-Toe Touch: An Orgasmic Meditation Practice
What is orgasmic meditation? I developed this mindful masturbation and orgasmic meditation practice to combine a structured way of moving attention through the body with loving self-touch. Exploring your body in this way ensures that no area is left untouched,…